Your personnel issues are our business

Your personnel issues are our business


Bild: fokus:personal, Silke Babinsky
Bild: fokus:personal, Silke Babinsky

fokus:personal® was founded in February 2004 by the human resources manager Silke Babinsky. Its clients include industrial, commercial and trading companies of all sizes.


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About Silke Babinsky:

  • Industriekauffrau
  • Industrial business management specialist
  • 3 years’ professional experience in product management and sales (B2C) at a consumer goods manufacturer
  • Graduate in business administration (University of Hamburg) specialising in human resources, marketing and psychology
  • Experienced in coaching and training in subjects including communication, conflict mediation and target agreement
  • Experienced in labour law issues (including membership in the “labour law working group” of Prof. Dr. Björn Gaul)
  • 5 years’ experience in HR management (from hiring to dismissal including works council work)
  • 3 years’ experience in setting up and managing the HR development department of a group subsidiary
  • 4 years’ experience in the management of the HR department of a medium-sized company
  • 7 years’ experience as a lecturer at the Wirtschaftsakademie Hamburg (today: Hamburg School of Business Administration)


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